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Selectmen's Minutes - December 10, 1991
December 10, 1991     Present:  James R. Haggerty
                               Judith M. Murdoch
                               Robert H. Andrews
                               Warren C. Ellis

Chairman announced that Hanson Coalition is meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 11 to discuss recycling issues and the Board of Health.

Mr. Haggerty applauded the Dahlberg's for their efforts bringing to the attention of the Board facts which led to proving there was in fact insurance on the Thomas Hall and he further stated the Executive Secretary as well as the Board of Selectmen shared in the oversight in missing the facts and originally stating there was no insurance coverage.

He also discussed the Selectmen's selection process for the Police Chief Search Committee.  He outlined briefly those people by name who submitted requests to be on the committee as well as the qualifications of each.  Indicated specificaly that in Precinct 1, since there were approximately 7 qualified applicants for two positions, it was a difficult decision for the Board to make.  He mentioned others not chosen as well as Mr. Sica, some of whom have had lengthy town government experience and have been involved in many aspects of employee hiring.  However, as with precinct 2 and 3, the Board of Selectmen decided to vote amongst themselves to select the individuals to represent the committee.  It took several rounds of voting to finalize the process.  As a result the Board of Selectmen voted 6 citizens, two from each precinct, to serve on the Police Chief Search Committee.  The Chairman also defended the Board's appointment of Selectman, Judy Murdoch, Police Union Rep[. Eugene Andrews, and the Executive Secretary, Joseph Nugent, to that committee.

There was a joint meeting with the School Committee, Denise Cadres and Peter Muise.  Brief introduction of Julie Ann Vaitkus by Judy Murdoch.  Mrs. Murdoch addressed Ms. Vaitkus background and many years of volunteer service to the Schools through various organizations, ie PTO, PLAY, and the Hanson Coalition.  Brief statement by Denise Cadres supporting Ms. Vaitkus application.  Mrs. Cadres moved to appoint Julie Ann Vaitkus to the unexpired term, December 10 to May, 1992 election, as a School Committee member.  2nd Murdoch.  6-0 vote.

Mr. Haggerty read a letter from the American Communities for Cleanup Equity re a pending house bill (on file) re hazardous waste cleanup.  Board supported proposed legislation.  Motion made by Mrs. Murdoch to send a letter on behalf of the Board in support of the legislation asking Representative Studds to sign on as co-author of the legislation.  2nd Andrews.  4-0 vote.

Mr. Haggerty read a memo regarding tax bills returned to the Town because of post office box no's not included on the bills and that had to be re-addressed.  He also read a memo regarding the posting of "thickly settled" signs on Brook Street.  He asked that a letter of thanks go to Officer Taber and Highway Surveyor Harris in their promptness in dealing with this issue.

Board asked Charles Beatty to come in to discuss Interim Building Inspector position.  After Brief discussion surrounding the need for an Interim Building Inspector, Mrs. Murdoch moved, 2nd Andrews to appoint Charles Beatty as Interim Building Inspector/Zoning Officer until a Building Inspector has been named.  2nd Andrews.  Voted 4-0.

Chairman read the Class I, Class II, Class III licenses, (on file) for renewal for 1992.  Mrs. Murdoch asked if any problems with these.  Executive Secretary stated no problems to this point.  Each license has been reviewed for taxes and fees.  Mr. Andrews moved, 2nd Murdoch to approve as read.  4-0 vote.

Board voted the following appointments:
Noreen O'Toole, Town Planner, to OCPC - Joint Transportation Committee - 1 year  Andrews moved, 2nd Murdoch 4-0 vote
Celia Purrington - North River Commission - 3 years  Ellis moved, 2nd Murdoch 4-0 vote
Helen Casoli - Sworn Weigher - 1 year  Ellis moved, 2nd Murdoch 4-0 vote

Mr. Andrews noted that perhaps there should be a sworn weigher at MacDonald Coal as they sell quantities, even though the seals are checked by the Sealer of Weights and Measures.  It is a protection for the Town.

Executive Secretary discussed previous issue of soliciting that was mentioned at the last meeting.  He read the Town Bylaws as well as a memo outlining procedures.  As suggested by Mr. Andrews, the office will attempt to obtain the information before placing on the agenda.

He read a brief memo regarding the Insurance Committee and indicated it has not been in the Town Report since 1982.  Chairman mentioned that he recalled the Committee and the Board will request Michael Regan, Moderator, reactivate the committee and fill as soon as possible in an effort to assist with bidding and reviewing.

The Chairman indicated the Water Commissioners will not be coming in this evening and requested each Board send a written letter outlining questions to the Water Commissioners, with a copy to the Selectmen.  Also the Selectmen should send a letter asking them to outline completely their operational procedures and their long and short range plans regarding water.

Contract with CDM was signed.  It was noted that work will begin at Thomas Hall on Thursday, December 12.

Mr.  Andrews asked the Board to address the issue of paper streets and that per order of the Board of Selectmen no person should be able to perform any work on Town owned paper streets without permission by the Board.  Mr. Andrews Moved, 2nd Ellis that the Board adopt a policy that no resident will be allowed to do any work on any Town owned paper street without permission of the Board.  Any past permission that may have been given is hereby revoked and any work needed to be done on any paper street owned by the Town should first be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen who will either agree with or deny the work proposed.  Unanimous vote.  

Chairman asked Board to give Executive Secretary permission to pay the utility bills, approximately $3500 for Camp Kiwanee, Cranberry Cove.  Mr. Ellis asked, until June 30?  Mr. Haggerty replied yes.  Mr. Ellis would like a letter to the Recreation Commission that they pursue with various utility companies having a complete energy audit done of the property.  Mr. Ellis moved, 2nd Andrews, to have the Town assume the utility bills for Camp Kiwanee through June 30, 1992 with the stipulation that utility companies do energy audit on Camp Kiwanee.  Voted 4-0.

Mr. Ellis moved, 2nd Andrews, to accept the minutes of November 26 and December 3.  Voted 3-0-1 (Haggerty did not vote as not present)

Mr. Ellis moved, 2nd Murdoch to adjourn.  4-0.  8:35

Warren C. Ellis, Clerk